Food Stamp Program Participation
Understanding the evidence of opportunity for increasing participation requires sufficient knowledge of how FSP participation is currently assessed.
While federally funded, the FSP is operated by states. The quality of state management varies the FSPQC sample is in part conducted to monitor and reduce the variance in accuracy of benefit assessment, and the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 established a “high performance bonus” to reward states for “actions taken to correct errors, reduce the rates of error, improve eligibility determinations, or other activities that demonstrate effective administration as determined by USDA” . In recent years, attention has also been paid to variation across states in FSP participation rates, the ratio of recipients to persons believed to be eligible. The Department of Agriculture estimates that nationwide only 60 percent of persons eligible for FSP in 2004 actually received benefits . The department has announced a target national participation rate of 68 percent in 2010 . States varied enormously in estimated take-up rates in 2005, from a low of 40 percent in Wyoming to a high of 95 percent in Missouri .
Table 8. Estimated Food Stamp Program participation by SSI recipients, fiscal years 20012004SSI recipients |
NOTE: SSI = Supplemental Security Income. |
Does Rent Affect Food Stamps
Your rent as well as mortgage have a significant impact on determining the eligibility of your food stamps. However, the formula to calculate food stamps benefits is complicated, so it depends on your household and may not apply to everyone. But typically, the higher the costs of your housing are, the higher the value of your food stamps will be.
According to Mass Legal Help, if you are not paying for rent or utilities and receiving them for free, your food stamps amount will be reduced. Yet if you pay for any amount, even if it is just a small amount, the food stamps will alter.
Who Is Not Subject To Abawd Requirements
A SNAP recipient who meets any of the following conditions is not subject to ABAWD work requirements but, in some instances may still be required to participate in work activities that are assigned under public assistance and/or SNAP employment and training:
- A person under 18 years of age, or 50 years of age or older
- An adult in a SNAP household with a child under 18 years of age
- A person responsible for the care of an incapacitated person
- A pregnant woman
- Physically or mentally unable to work at least 80 hours a month
- A regular participant in an alcohol or substance abuse rehabilitation program
- A recipient of Veterans Affairs disability compensation
- A recipient of disability benefits from a public or private source, such as Social Security Disability Insurance or NYS disability benefits
- A recipient or pending receipt of Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- A student enrolled in any recognized school, job skills training, or institution of higher education at least half-time and meeting the student eligibility criteria to receive SNAP
- An applicant for SNAP benefits and Supplemental Security Income jointly or in receipt of SSI
- Employed or self-employed and working at least 30 hours per week or receiving weekly earnings at least equal to the federal minimum wage times 30
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Ssi For Disabled Provider
Sometimes excluded.
If you are disabled and on SSI yourself and also working as a provider, your IHSS income will not be excluded. It will count as income.
Dont look at the policies in the link above. Those rules are for SSI deeming only. They will not apply if the person receiving SSI is also the person receiving IHSS income.
However, there are some other rules that can help. Social Security has special rules called work incentives. By using work incentives, some of your IHSS income may get excluded.
Important note: If you are a provider, Social Security will consider that you are working. You will need to report that you are working and follow the same work rules any other person on SSI follows.
Learn more about work incentives and work rules: How to Work Without Trouble
I Hear About Some People Getting Snap Right Away Or Within A Few Days Of Applying How Is That Possible
Even if the SNAP office cannot do a complete eligibility interview for you on the same day you file your application, you at least must be screened to see if you qualify for what is called “expedited” consideration.
If your household has little or no money and needs help right away, you may qualify for “expedited” SNAP. If you do, you must receive your initial SNAP benefit within five days. You will still have to complete the eligibility process, and supply all the required documentation at a later date.
Don’t Miss: Apply For Food Stamps San Diego
Yes You Will Still Get Your Social Security Check If The Government Shuts Down But You Might Not Get Your Food Stamps
D.C., DC If lawmakers don’t reach an agreement by midnight Thursday to suspend the debt ceiling, the government will shut down on Friday. This has many Americans wondering how will the shutdown impact their social security check and food stamps.
“Is it true I will stop getting my social security check and food stamps if the government shuts down this week?”
Yes, if the government shutdown, you will still get your social security check but other services, like benefit verifications and card issuance, would be disrupted. People might also stop getting food stamps if the shutdown lasts longer than 30 days.
The president submits a budget to Congress for the federal government every fiscal year, which begins on October 1. Congress must then pass appropriations bills to provide money to carry out government programs for the year. As of Wednesday, Congress has not passed any of the 12 appropriations bills settling changing spending levels.
If lawmakers do not pass legislation to fund the programs covered by the appropriations process, the government will shut down at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Oct.1, 2021. But, what does this mean for people receiving monthly social security checks and food stamps?
This could create problems for some people because benefit verification is sometimes required when people apply for loans mortgages and other services that require proof of income. So, it’s a catch 22.
How Can I Know If I Might Be Eligible For Snap
To find out if you may be eligible for SNAP Benefits, visit and click on Am I Eligible? to use the SNAP pre-screening eligibility tool. Please note: The pre-screening tool is not an application for SNAP. The tool will look at the information you provided to see if you might be able to get help with buying food and other services. You’ll have to apply for the programs listed to get a final decision about benefits, and information will be provided to let you know how to do that. Keep in mind that you always have the right to apply for these benefits.
In New York State, the SNAP Program now allows you to have more money in a checking or savings account, or even a retirement account, without affecting your eligibility for SNAP benefits. As of January 1, 2008, most households applying for SNAP benefits no longer have to pass a savings/resource test in order to get SNAP benefits. This means having money in a savings, checking or retirement account, or having other resources, will not keep you from being eligible for SNAP benefits, as long as you meet the income guidelines.
Recommended Reading: Alabama Food Stamp Income Limits 2020
The Integrity Of Federal And State Programs
While all the previously mentioned programs are available to people who qualify, it’s important to understand that the benefits available are limited and resources are often low. If you qualified for assistance in the past, but no longer require it, it’s crucial that you contact your caseworker to update your file. Additionally, if you have significant changes in your case, like moving in with an unmarried partner, you must inform your local benefits agency to ensure you’re receiving the right amount of monthly assistance.
If you fail to update your state agency and your caseworker discovers a change in your situation that would decrease your benefits, you do run the risk of losing your benefits for the failure to update. The local Department of Human Services can open an investigation into your case and depending on the results, you may receive a letter informing you that the state is discontinuing your benefits. You can request a formal hearing to reevaluate the outcome of the investigation.
If you have questions, you should contact your local Department of Human Health and Services.
California Has Its Own Scheme
Receiving Social Security disability and food stamps is possible in all states except California. The state of California prevents Social Security income recipients from applying for food stamps because the state provides a food stamp alternative for residents receiving SSI. Most certification periods are around 12 months, but people over the age of 60 or who are legally disabled can apply for an extended certification period. If you receive Social Security disability, you can receive food stamps for up to 24 months.
Recommended Reading: Food Stamps For College Students California
Hud Housing & Vouchers
Sometimes excluded.
If you are in HUD housing or another subsidized housing program, there are two regulations that can exclude IHSS income:
Not everyone qualifies for these exclusions. Learn more: How to Exclude IHSS Income from HUD Housing
Ssi Participation And State Food Stamp Program Management
There is indirect evidence that supports the hypothesis that the prevalence of FSP participation could be increased, at least in some states. Despite the technical issues raised above, there is general agreement that variation across states in estimated FSP participation does bear some relationship to state effectiveness in FSP promotion.6 If this is the case, it is interesting to see if interstate variation in food stamp receipt among households that include SSI recipients is related to variation in estimated aggregate state participation rates. If states with high aggregate participation rates also show exceptional participation by households that include SSI recipients, this would suggest that management makes a difference and that outreach procedures followed in high participation states should be studied and, if appropriate, imitated.
Note that if households with SSI recipients constituted a large fraction of all FSP eligible households, any connection between aggregate FSP take-up and prevalence among households with SSI recipients would be virtually tautological. However, the FNS estimate of the number of persons eligible for the FSP in an average month in 2004 is five times greater than the total number of SSI recipients , so it would be possible for variation in aggregate FSP take-up to occur independently of program participation among households that include SSI recipients.
Also Check: Local Food Stamp Office Phone Number
What Are The Asset Limits
If you have been declined qualification for SNAP benefits due to having too many resources, and you now have less, you can reapply for SNAP benefits at any time.
You may be able to receive food stamps if your household assets are below the limit. In a majority of states, households may have an asset limit of $2,250, or $3,250 if at least one household member is disabled or age 60 or older.
However, according to USDA, resources such as home lots, assets of people who receive Supplemental Security Income , the resources of people who receive Temporary Assistance to Needy Families , and most retirement plans are not counted towards your asset limits.
Many individuals who are lawfully entitled to food stamps benefits feel uneasy or uncomfortable about accepting the benefits because of the financial connotations associated with them. Yet there truly is nothing to be shameful about receiving some aid when you need it. The SNAP policies are strict enough to ensure that only individuals who genuinely need it will receive the benefits.
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Ssdi For Disabled Provider
Yes, excluded.
SSDI is never lowered because of income of any kind. However, if you are on SSDI and working as an IHSS provider, you will need to report that you are working and follow the work regulations. For your benefits to continue, you will also need to pass medical disability reviews: How to Work Without Trouble
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The Prevalence Of Food Stamp Receipt
Table 2 illustrates the use of both resources, SSI and the FSP. The data for each year are separately tabulated by SSI recipient age group. The SSI recipient counts in the first row for each group are from Social Security administrative records and are averages for the months of the fiscal year. These are exact counts of payments made. The counts in the second row are derived from FSPQC sampling probabilities. “Prevalence” is just the ratio of the estimated total number of SSI recipients living in units receiving food stamps divided by the total number of recipients in the relevant age class . Thus we estimate that 939,106 elderly SSI recipients lived in FSP recipient households in 2006 this was 63.6 percent of all SSI recipients in the group. Although the denominators for these statistics are from administrative data and are effectively known with certainty, the FSP recipient counts are sample based and therefore subject to sampling errors. However, since the samples are quite large, confidence intervals around the sample-based recipient estimates are small, so the precision of the prevalence estimates is high.
Table 2. Estimated prevalence of food stamp receipt among SSI recipients, by age group, fiscal years 20012006SSI recipient characteristic |
63.6 |
NOTES: SSI = Supplemental Security Income FSP = Food Stamp Program. |
Ninety-five percent confidence intervals in parentheses are shown in percentage points. |
Costs Of Shelter For Homeless Households
This deduction applies to your household if all members in your household are homeless and reside in a homeless shelter or with another individual who acquires, reasonably awaits to acquire shelter or expenses for utility are qualified for the standard shelter/utility deduction.
Yet not all states will offer this deduction, so it is important that if you are homeless you notify your caseworkers when you apply for SNAP benefits.
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Calfresh For Ssi Recipients
For the first time ever in California, older adults and adults with disabilities receiving SSI can apply for CalFresh food benefits.
If you receive Supplemental Security Income , you can get CalFresh benefits. There is no change or reduction to SSI/SSP payments.
CalFresh is a free nutrition assistance program that helps boost food budgets for low-income individuals and families. Food benefits for one person range between $16 to $204. Benefits are based on your household size, income, and monthly expenses.
For community partners: Visit our CalFresh Benefits for SSI Recipients – Resources page for the tools to help you serve SSI recipients.